The system uses notification messages to respond to applications, indicating system status such as completion of a media device function or passing of the ownership of a media device between processes.

Messages are returned to applications asynchronously (using WinPostMsg), except for MM_MCIEVENT, which is sent synchronously (using WinSendMsg). A media control interface call that results in the dispatch of these two messages (such as MCI_OPEN and MCI_ACQUIREDEVICE) must be issued from application threads that have a message queue.

All messages except system messages operate in an asynchronous mode without notification unless MCI_NOTIFY or MCI_WAIT is specified. These two flags are mutually exclusive. If both are used, an MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE error is returned. If MCI_WAIT is used, control is not returned to the caller until the command completes. MCI_NOTIFY returns control to the caller and then completes the command. A notification will be sent to the application if MCIERR_SUCCESS was returned on the call. The second parameter specified for each message is a pointer to a control block structure associated with that message. This pointer is passed in the pParam2 parameter of mciSendCommand.

³Function                 ³Description                        ³
³MM_MCICUEPOINT           ³Notifies application that a cue    ³
³                         ³point is found in a playlist, or   ³
³                         ³that a cue point has been detected,³
³                         ³which was set with the             ³
³                         ³MCI_SET_CUEPOINT message.          ³
³MM_MCIEVENT              ³Notifies application of an event   ³
³                         ³generated by a device.             ³
³MM_MCINOTIFY             ³Notifies an application after a    ³
³                         ³device completes action or an error³
³                         ³occurs.                            ³
³MM_MCIPASSDEVICE         ³Notifies application that a shared ³
³                         ³device is being gained or lost.    ³
³MM_MCIPLAYLISTMESSAGE    ³Notifies application that playlist ³
³                         ³processor has found a MESSAGE      ³
³                         ³instruction.                       ³
³MM_MCIPOSITIONCHANGE     ³Notifies applications of current   ³
³                         ³media position.                    ³

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