This command might not be supported by the digital video device. To determine whether the device supports the command, issue an MCI_GETDEVCAPS query.

The format of the image data returned is specified by the ulPelFormat and usBitCount fields of the MCI_IMAGE_PARMS data structure (if possible), unless MCI_CONVERT is specified, in which case the data is returned in OS/2 memory bitmap format. The beginning of the buffer contains the BITMAPINFOHEADER2 data, followed by the palette (if any) and the pel data.

On dual-plane image capture hardware devices, the image layer content is assumed. Only visible data can be captured with some hardware, particularly single-plane devices. The image data returned will be uncompressed, in either OS/2 memory bitmap format or device-specific format, based on the setting of the MCI_CONVERT flag.

The current settings for IMAGE BITSPERPEL and IMAGE PELFORMAT will be used if supported by the device. The IMAGE FILEFORMAT and IMAGE COMPRESSION settings will be ignored.

Conversion from internal YUVB format to OS/2 bitmap format is accomplished with an I/O procedure which can use disk space for temporary storage. Therefore, it is possible that errors such as MCIERR_TARGET_DEVICE_FULL (no disk space) can occur.

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