If the MCI_SAVE_FILE flag is specified, the current device element is saved with the file name specified in the pszFileName field. The file specified in pszFileName becomes the currently loaded element. If the MCI_SAVE_FILE flag is not specified or if pszFileName is NULL, MCI_SAVE saves to the currently loaded element name of the device instance. If the current element has not been named, MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND is returned.

This command is supported by devices which return TRUE to the MCI_GETDEVCAPS_CAN_SAVE query using the MCI_GETDEVCAPS message.

The IBM sequencer device does not currently support this message.

Digital Video Specific

The MCI_DGV_SAVE_VIDEO_FILE flag is not required; saving a video file is assumed by default. An edited AVI movie file cannot always be saved with its original name. If the clipboard contains a reference to data that would be erased during saving or if another instance of the digital video device has a pending paste operation that depends on this data, the file cannot be saved unless a new file name is provided. If a new file name is not provided, the MMIOERR_NEED_NEW_FILENAME error is returned by the AVI I/O procedure and a temporary file is created to save the edited movie. The AVI I/O procedure alerts the user by displaying a message with the name of the temporary file that was created. The application must reopen the temporary file to use the edited version of the movie.

During setup for MMIOM_SAVE processing, the AVI I/O procedure checks to see if the clipboard contains data from a file and if the file needs to be rewritten. If these conditions are true, the save operation is aborted and the MMIOERR_CLIPBRD_ACTIVE error is returned.

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