This message must be implemented by file format IOProcs to be able to properly close the file. Note that the mmioClose function will call the mmioFlush function to empty the file I/O buffers (so this does not need to be performed by the IOProc message handler).

A file format IOProc will call mmioClose with its internal HMMIO handle to close the file, unless it chooses to recognize the MMIO_FHOPEN flag available on mmioClose. This flag allows the close processing to occur, but still allow the file handle to remain open. If the file is an element of a compound file, it will need to possibly update the compound file header to reflect any changes that have been made to the file.

The following example shows an example of how the M-Motion IOProc supports the MMIOM_CLOSE message.

     * Declare local variables.
    PMMFILESTATUS   pVidInfo;         /* MMotion IOProc instance data */

    ULONG           ulHeight;         /* Image height                */
    USHORT          usBitCount;
    /* Image width, including overflow in 1bpp & 4bpp                */
    ULONG           ulImgPelWidth;
    PBYTE           lpYUVLine;        /* One line of packed YUV      */
    LONG            lYUVBytesPerLine;

    ULONG           ulMaxPelWidth;    /* # pels on 4-pel boundaries  */
    /* # pels on a YUV line in the output file                       */
    ULONG           ulYUVPelWidth;
    ULONG           ulRGBMaxBytesPerLine; /* #bytes on 4-pel bounds  */
    PBYTE           lpRGBLine;        /* One line of 24bit RGB       */

    PBYTE           lpImgBufPtr;      /* Current loc in RGB image buf*/
    LONG            lRGBBytesPerLine; /* #bytes on a line in image   */
    ULONG           ulRowCount;       /* loop counter                */
    LONG            lBytesWritten;    /* #bytes output on a write    */
    LONG            lRetCode;
    USHORT          rc;

     * Check for valid MMIOINFO block.
    if (!pmmioinfo)
        return (MMIO_ERROR);

     * Set up our working file status variable.
    pVidInfo = (PMMFILESTATUS)pmmioinfo->pExtraInfoStruct;

     * Assume success for the moment....
    lRetCode = MMIO_SUCCESS;

     * see if we are in Write mode and have a buffer to write out.
     *    We have no image buffer in UNTRANSLATED mode.
    if ((pmmioinfo->ulFlags & MMIO_WRITE) && (pVidInfo->lpImgBuf))
         * The buffer should be in palettized or 24-bit RGB
         * We must convert it to YUV to be written to the file.
         * The buffer should be complete.  If not, then we
         * should still close, but can flag an error to the
         * user that the data may be corrupted.  The only way
         * we can estimate if this is true is to check the final
         * position.  If not at the end...
        if (pVidInfo->lImgBytePos !=
            lRetCode = MMIO_WARNING;
         * Set up width and height of image in the buffer.
        ulHeight = pVidInfo->;
        usBitCount =

         * Get the line width in YUV pels and packed bytes.
        ulYUVPelWidth = pVidInfo->mmotHeader.mmXlen;
        lYUVBytesPerLine = (LONG)(ulYUVPelWidth * 3) >> 1;

         * This changes from OS/2 PM bottom-up bitmap form
         *    to M-Motion's top-down form.  Flip all pad, boundary
         *    bytes as well
        ImgBufferFlip ((PBYTE)pVidInfo->lpImgBuf,

         * Determine number of POSSIBLE pels on a line, though
         *   some may be overflow in 1bpp and 4bpp modes.
         * From that, we can calc the number of RGB pels we will
         *   create to represent this line.
        ulImgPelWidth = (pVidInfo->ulImgPelBytesPerLine << 3) /
        lRGBBytesPerLine = ulImgPelWidth * 3;

         * Ensure the width is on a 4-pel boundary, necessary for
         *     M-Motion.  We will buffer with black
        if (ulImgPelWidth % 4)
            ulMaxPelWidth = (((ulImgPelWidth >> 2) + 1) << 2);
            ulMaxPelWidth = ulImgPelWidth;

        /* #RGB bytes/line = #pels * 3 bytes/pel */
        ulRGBMaxBytesPerLine = ulMaxPelWidth * 3;

         * Create a buffer for one line of RGB data, accounting for
         *   the 4-pel boundary required.  Extra bytes won't be used.
        if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &lpRGBLine,
            return (MMIO_ERROR);

         * Create a buffer for one line of YUV data.
        if (DosAllocMem ((PPVOID) &lpYUVLine,
            return (MMIO_ERROR);

         * Zero out RGB buffer to cover for any extra black pels
         * needed at the end.
        memset (lpRGBLine, 0, ulRGBMaxBytesPerLine);

         * Initialize start position of RGB buffer.
        lpImgBufPtr = pVidInfo->lpImgBuf;

         * Process Image Buffer - Save to file
         * Place "your" processing code here, if full image
         *      buffering is performed.
         * For M-Motion:
         *    Loop
         *       1.Convert and copy a line of 1bpp, 4bpp, 8 bpp or
         *            24bpp data into a temporary 24 bpp RGB line.
         *            This line may contain overflow garbage
         *            pels from 1bpp and 4bpp modes (where
         *            width does not fall on even byte boundaries.)
         *       2.Convert the temporary RGB line contents into a
         *           YUV line.  ONLY that data necessary converted.
         *           Overflow from bitmap data ignored.
         *       3.Write the YUV line to the file
        for (ulRowCount = 0;
             ulRowCount < ulHeight;
             * Convert 1 line of Image data into RGB data
           switch (usBitCount)
               case 1:
                   /* Convert 1bpp padded image buffer into 24-bit */
                   /*    RGB line buffer, w/pads                   */
                   Convert1BitTo24Bit (
                           (PRGB) lpRGBLine,
                           (PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),

               case 4:
                   /* Convert data from app buffer into 24-bit and */
                   /*    copy into image buffer                    */
                   Convert4BitTo24Bit (
                           (PRGB) lpRGBLine,
                           (PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),

               case 8:
                   /* Convert data from app buffer into 24-bit and */
                   /*    copy into image buffer                    */
                   Convert8BitTo24Bit (
                           (PRGB) lpRGBLine,
                           (PRGB) &(pVidInfo->rgbPalette),

               case 24:
                   /* Copy raw RGB data from the image buffer into */
                   /*    the temporary                             */
                   /*   RGB line.  Only copy those pels necessary. */
                   /*    No conversion required                    */
                   memcpy ((PVOID) lpRGBLine,
                                  (PVOID) lpImgBufPtr,
                                  ulYUVPelWidth * 3);

               }   /* end of Switch for Bit Conversion block */

             * Convert one line at a time from RGB to YUV.
            ConvertOneLineRGBtoYUV (lpRGBLine,

             * Write out line of YUV data to the file.
            lBytesWritten  = mmioWrite (pVidInfo->hmmioSS,
                                        (PVOID) lpYUVLine,

            /* Check if error or EOF  */
            if (lBytesWritten != lYUVBytesPerLine)
               lRetCode = lBytesWritten;

             * Make sure bitmap image buffer pointer is correct
             *    for next line to be converted.  Move forward ALL
             *    the bytes in the bitmap line, including overflow
             *    and pad bytes.
            lpImgBufPtr += pVidInfo->ulImgPaddedBytesPerLine;

         * Free temp buffers.
        if (lpRGBLine)
           DosFreeMem ((PVOID) lpRGBLine);

        if (lpYUVLine)
           DosFreeMem ((PVOID) lpYUVLine);
        }  /* end IF WRITE & IMAGE BUFFER block */

     * Free the RGB buffer, if it exists, that was created
     * for the translated READ operations.
    if (pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf)
       DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo->lpRGBBuf);

     * Free the IMG buffer, if it exists, that was created
     * for the translated  WRITE operations.
    if (pVidInfo->lpImgBuf)
       DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo->lpImgBuf);

     * Close the file with mmioClose.
    rc = mmioClose (pVidInfo->hmmioSS, 0);

    DosFreeMem ((PVOID) pVidInfo);

    if (rc != MMIO_SUCCESS)
       return (rc);

    return (lRetCode);
    }  /* end case of MMIOM_CLOSE */

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