When an entry field control with this style is positioned, it adjusts the position so that the text is placed at the position specified. This position differs from the original position by the width of the border and the margin.
When an entry field is in read only state, characters do not get inserted into the text. However the insertion interface is still functional.
The entry field read only state can be altered by use of the EM_SETREADONLY message.
Not more than one entry field on each dialog should be given this style.
This style is recommended for use with fixed-length, non-scrollable fields that are filled completely. The maximum length of the entry field text is held in the control data, see ENTRYFDATA.
These entry field controls are intended for countries that use a double-byte character encoding scheme:
If the number of characters entered exceeds EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, or a DBCS character is entered, the alarm sounds and the last character entered is ignored.
If the number of bytes in the entry field exceeds EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, or an SBCS character is entered, the alarm sounds and the last character entered is ignored.
If the number of bytes in the input field exceeds EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, the alarm sounds and the last character entered is ignored.
ES_ANY is the default.
Note: If the queue code page is an ASCII code page and the data in the entry field is to be converted to an EBCDIC code page, there is a possibility that shift-in and shift-out characters introduced by the conversion process can cause the converted data to overrun the target field. Coding ES_MIXED protects the target field from overrun in this situation.
where N starts at 0 and is incremented whenever the string goes from SBCS to DBCS or DBCS to SBCS, the alarm sounds and the last character entered is ignored.
Note: For every conversion from SBCS to DBCS there must be a corresponding return to SBCS (N must be an even number).