The frame control window procedure responds to this message as follows:
- If the message contains a valid VK_ value, that value
is processed before any valid character in the message.
- If the character matches a mnemonic in the text of
a button or static control child window, the focus is set to that window.
- If the character is Tab or Backtab, the focus is set
to the next or previous tabstop window.
- If the character is Up or Left Arrow, the focus is
set to the previous item in the group.
- If the character is Down or Right Arrow, the focus
is set to the next item in the group.
- If the Enter key is pressed, a WM_COMMAND
message is posted to itself, containing the identity of the button with
the focus, or, if none, the identity of the default push button.
- If the Escape key is pressed, a WM_COMMAND
message is posted to itself with the command value DID_CANCEL.