error information structure.
param2 contains pErrInfo for a usnotifycode of MLN_OVERFLOW.
The afErrInd field of the MLEOVERFLOW
structure can take one or more of the following values:
The window is resized, and the format
rectangle is tied to the window size and limited either horizontally, vertically,
or both. The implicit change of the format rectangle to the new size does
not contain the text. The format rectangle is made static at the previous
size, and the MLESFR_MATCHWINDOW style is turned off until set again by
the application. This is done in response to a WM_SIZE
message, and therefore the multi-line entry field does not forward the
return value from this notification message.
A tab stop location change is requested, and the
text is limited either horizontally, vertically, or both. Changing the
tab stops causes the text to exceed the limit. The tab stop change is rejected.
A font change
is requested, and the text is limited either horizontally, vertically, or
both. Changing the font causes the text to exceed the limit. The font
change is rejected.
word-wrap state is requested to be changed, and the text is limited either
horizontally, vertically, or both. Wrapping the text differently exceeds
the limit, and the request is rejected. This happens in situations where
the horizontal limit is not set, there are lines exceeding it, and word-wrap
is being changed from off to on, such that it creates soft line breaks resulting
in increased vertical size. This happens if word-wrap is being changed
from on to off, and there is at least one line created by a soft line-break,
such that when that line-break is removed, the full line (up to the hard
line break) exceeds the horizontal limit.
Text is changed by MLM_IMPORT,
and the text is limited either horizontally, vertically, or both within
the format rectangle. The change causes the text to exceed the format rectangle
in a dimension that is limited. For example, Delete and EOL joins text
from two lines into one line long enough to exceed the horizontal limit.
Text is
or MLM_UNDO, and the text is limited
to a maximum number of bytes. The change causes the text to exceed that