These window styles are available:
This style is set for windows that have Class Style CS_SYNCPAINT. Applications can then turn this style on and off to vary the window processing.
System-Provided Window Styles:
This visual effect also depends on the Animation setting in the System-Settings notebook. If Animation is enabled and this window style is set, window animation occurs when the window is opened or closed. When Animation is disabled in the System-Settings notebook, this style has no effect and no window animation occurs.
When a window is moved or sized in the normal way at least one border should remain on the screen. When a window is maximized and the maximum size is as large as the screen all borders should be positioned just outside the screen.
Generally, a WS_PARENTCLIP window is not to draw outside its window rectangle.
Note: A window can still be visible, in this sense, even if it cannot be seen because it is covered by other windows.
Styles for Windows in Dialogs
This style is to be specified on the first window of any group. Subsequent windows of the group must not have this style. The windows of the group must be adjacent siblings. This can be done by listing the windows consecutively in Dialog Template or by inserting each new window in the group behind the previous one (WinCreateWindow).