pSearchAfter (PRECORDCORE)
Note: If the CCS_MINIRECORDCORE style bit is specified when a container is created, then MINIRECORDCORE should be used instead of RECORDCORE and PMINIRECORDCORE should be used instead of PRECORDCORE in all applicable data structures and messages.
The values of this parameter can be:
fEmphasisMask (USHORT)
Specifies the emphasis attribute of the container record. The following states can be combined using a logical OR operator (|):
The WinGetLastError function may return the following error:
This is the first record that follows the record pointed to by the pSearchAfter parameter and satisfies the criteria specified in the fEmphasisMask parameter. To find the next record that satisfies this criteria, send this message again, but this time use the value returned in the pRecord parameter for the value of the pSearchAfter parameter.