The following table describes the button styles an application can use when creating button controls:

³Style              ³Description.                             ³
³BS_3STATE          ³Creates a three-state check box (see also³
³                   ³BS_CHECKBOX). When the user selects the  ³
³                   ³check box, it sends a WM_CONTROL message ³
³                   ³to the owner window.  The owner should   ³
³                   ³set the check box to the appropriate     ³
³                   ³state: selected, unselected, or halftone.³
³BS_AUTO3STATE      ³Creates an auto-three-state check box    ³
³                   ³(see also BS_CHECKBOX).  When the user   ³
³                   ³selects the check box, the system        ³
³                   ³automatically sets the check box to the  ³
³                   ³appropriate state: selected, unselected, ³
³                   ³or halftone.                             ³
³BS_AUTOCHECKBOX    ³Creates an auto-check box (see also      ³
³                   ³BS_CHECKBOX).  The system automatically  ³
³                   ³toggles the check box between the        ³
³                   ³selected and unselected states each time ³
³                   ³the user selects the box.                ³
³BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON ³Creates an auto-radio button (see also   ³
³                   ³BS_RADIOBUTTON). When the user selects an³
³                   ³auto-radio button, the system            ³
³                   ³automatically selects the button and     ³
³                   ³removes the selection from the other     ³
³                   ³auto-radio buttons in the group.         ³
³BS_AUTOSIZE        ³Creates a button that is sized           ³
³                   ³automatically to ensure that the contents³
³                   ³fit.  Note:  The cx or cy parameter of   ³
³                   ³WinCreateWindow must be specified as -1  ³
³                   ³to implement the autosize feature.       ³
³BS_BITMAP          ³Creates a push button containing a bit   ³
³                   ³map instead of text. This style can only ³
³                   ³be implemented with BS_PUSHBUTTON.       ³
³BS_CHECKBOX        ³Creates a check box-a small square that  ³
³                   ³has text displayed to its right.  When   ³
³                   ³the user selects a check box, the check  ³
³                   ³box sends a WM_CONTROL message to the    ³
³                   ³owner window.  The owner window should   ³
³                   ³toggle the check box between selected and³
³                   ³unselected states.                       ³
³BS_DEFAULT         ³Creates a push button that has a heavy   ³
³                   ³black border. The user can select this   ³
³                   ³push button by pressing the spacebar.    ³
³                   ³This style is useful for letting the user³
³                   ³quickly select the most likely set of    ³
³                   ³options in a dialog window.  This style  ³
³                   ³is valid only in combination with the    ³
³                   ³BS_PUSHBUTTON style or the PUSHBUTTON    ³
³                   ³statement in a resource-definition file. ³
³BS_HELP            ³Creates a push button that posts a       ³
³                   ³WM_HELP message (instead of a WM_COMMAND ³
³                   ³message) to its owner window when the    ³
³                   ³user selects the button.  This style is  ³
³                   ³valid only in combination with the       ³
³                   ³BS_PUSHBUTTON style or the PUSHBUTTON    ³
³                   ³statement in a resource-definition file. ³
³BS_ICON            ³Creates a push button containing an icon ³
³                   ³instead of text.                         ³
³BS_MINIICON        ³Creates a push button containing a       ³
³                   ³mini-icon instead of text.               ³
³BS_NOBORDER        ³Creates a push button that has no border.³
³                   ³This style is valid only in combination  ³
³                   ³with the BS_PUSHBUTTON style or the      ³
³                   ³PUSHBUTTON statement in a                ³
³                   ³resource-definition file.                ³
³BS_NOCURSORSELECT  ³Creates an auto-radio button that will   ³
³                   ³not be selected automatically when the   ³
³                   ³user moves the cursor to the button using³
³                   ³the cursor-movement keys.  This style is ³
³                   ³valid only in combination with the       ³
³                   ³BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON style or the          ³
³                   ³AUTORADIOBUTTON statement in a           ³
³                   ³resource-definition file.                ³
³BS_NOPOINTERFOCUS  ³Creates a radio button or check box that ³
³                   ³does not receive the keyboard focus when ³
³                   ³the user selects it. This style is valid ³
³                   ³in combination with the                  ³
³                   ³BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, BS_RADIOBUTTON,      ³
³                   ³BS_3STATE, BS_AUTO3STATE,                ³
³                   ³BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, and BS_CHECKBOX styles, ³
³                   ³or the AUTORADIOBUTTON, RADIOBUTTON,     ³
³                   ³AUTOCHECKBOX, or CHECKBOX statements in a³
³                   ³resource-definition file.                ³
³BS_NOTEBOOKBUTTON  ³Creates a notebook button, which is      ³
³                   ³identical to a pushbutton except that    ³
³                   ³when it is created as a child of a       ³
³                   ³notebook page it becomes a button in the ³
³                   ³common button area of the notebook page. ³
³                   ³If the button is not in a notebook page  ³
³                   ³it will be indistinguishable from a      ³
³                   ³pushbutton.                              ³
³BS_PUSHBUTTON      ³Creates a push button-a round-cornered   ³
³                   ³rectangle with text displayed inside it. ³
³                   ³When selected, the push button posts a   ³
³                   ³WM_COMMAND message to its owner window.  ³
³BS_RADIOBUTTON     ³Creates a radio button-a small circle    ³
³                   ³that has text displayed to its right.    ³
³                   ³Radio buttons usually are used in groups ³
³                   ³of related, but exclusive, choices.  When³
³                   ³the user selects a radio button, the     ³
³                   ³button sends a WM_CONTROL message to its ³
³                   ³owner window.  The user should select the³
³                   ³button and remove the selection from the ³
³                   ³other radio buttons in the group.        ³
³BS_SYSCOMMAND      ³Creates a button that posts a            ³
³                   ³WM_SYSCOMMAND message (instead of a      ³
³                   ³WM_COMMAND message) to the owner window  ³
³                   ³when the user selects the button.  This  ³
³                   ³style is valid only in combination with  ³
³                   ³the BS_PUSHBUTTON style or the PUSHBUTTON³
³                   ³statement in a resource-definition file. ³
³BS_TEXT            ³Creates a push button containing both    ³
³                   ³text and icons/mini-icons.               ³
³BS_USERBUTTON      ³Creates a user-defined button that sends ³
³                   ³a WM_CONTROL message to the owner window ³
³                   ³when the button needs to be drawn,       ³
³                   ³highlighted, or disabled.  A user-defined³
³                   ³button also posts WM_COMMAND messages to ³
³                   ³the owner window when the user selects   ³
³                   ³the button.                              ³

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