The clipboard owner is any application window connected to the clipboard data. Following are situations in which an application would call WinSetClipbrdOwner to become the clipboard owner:

The window specified in the call to the WinSetClipbrdOwner function responds to the following messages:

³WM_RENDERFMT        ³Sent by the system to the clipboard     ³
³                    ³owner when a particular format with     ³
³                    ³delayed rendering must be rendered.  The³
³                    ³receiver must render the data in the    ³
³                    ³specified format and pass it to the     ³
³                    ³clipboard by calling the                ³
³                    ³WinSetClipbrdData function.             ³
³WM_RENDERALLFMTS    ³Sent by the system to the clipboard     ³
³                    ³owner just before the owner application ³
³                    ³terminates.  The receiver must render   ³
³                    ³the clipboard data in all formats on the³
³                    ³clipboard with delayed rendering.  It   ³
³                    ³must pass the data for each format to   ³
³                    ³the clipboard by calling the            ³
³                    ³WinSetClipbrdData function.             ³
³WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD ³Sent by the system to the clipboard     ³
³                    ³owner when the clipboard is cleared by  ³
³                    ³another application calling the         ³
³                    ³WinEmptyClipbrd function.  The receiver ³
³                    ³must free the memory occupied by any    ³
³                    ³clipboard formats using the             ³
³                    ³CFI_OWNERFREE attribute.                ³
³WM_SIZECLIPBOARD    ³Sent by the clipboard viewer to the     ³
³                    ³clipboard owner when the clipboard      ³
³                    ³contains the data handle with the       ³
³                    ³CFI_OWNERDISPLAY attribute and when the ³
³                    ³clipboard-viewer changes size.  When the³
³                    ³clipboard viewer is being destroyed or  ³
³                    ³reduced to an icon, this message is sent³
³                    ³with the coordinates of the opposite    ³
³                    ³corners set to (0,0), which permits the ³
³                    ³owner to free its display resources.    ³
³WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD ³Sent by the clipboard viewer to the     ³
³                    ³clipboard owner when the clipboard      ³
³                    ³contains data with the CFI_OWNERDISPLAY ³
³                    ³attribute and when an event occurs in   ³
³                    ³the clipboard-viewer scroll bars.  The  ³
³                    ³receiver must respond to this message by³
³                    ³scrolling the image, invalidating the   ³
³                    ³appropriate area of the clipboard       ³
³                    ³viewer, and updating the slider         ³
³                    ³position.                               ³
³WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD ³Sent by the clipboard viewer to the     ³
³                    ³clipboard owner when the clipboard      ³
³                    ³contains data with the CFI_OWNERDISPLAY ³
³                    ³attribute and when an event occurs in   ³
³                    ³the scroll bars of the clipboard viewer.³
³                    ³The receiver must respond to this       ³
³                    ³message by scrolling the image,         ³
³                    ³invalidating the appropriate area of the³
³                    ³clipboard viewer, and updating the      ³
³                    ³slider position.                        ³
³WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD   ³Sent by the clipboard viewer to the     ³
³                    ³clipboard owner when the clipboard      ³
³                    ³contains data with the CFI_OWNERDISPLAY ³
³                    ³attribute and when the clipboard-viewer ³
³                    ³client area needs repainting.  The      ³
³                    ³receiver must respond to this message by³
³                    ³painting the requested format (by       ³
³                    ³calling WinGetPS for the window handle  ³
³                    ³of the clipboard viewer).               ³

An application automatically loses ownership of the clipboard when the clipboard data is cleared by the WinEmptyClipbrd function. Ownership is necessary only when data is present on the clipboard. Typically, an application loses ownership when another application places data on the clipboard.

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