The following code fragment shows how a sample clipboard viewer responds to the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message, drawing text and bit map data in its window. Notice that the code uses the data retrieved from the clipboard before closing the clipboard. An alternative strategy is to copy the data and then close the clipboard. In any case, the original data from the clipboard cannot be used after the clipboard is closed.

    PSZ     pszText;
    HPS     hps;
    RECTL   rcl;
    HBITMAP hBitmap;
    POINTL  ptlDest;

        if (!WinOpenClipbrd(hab))
            return 0;

        hps = WinGetPS(hwnd);  /* Get a presentation space for drawing */
        WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rcl);/* Get dimensions of the window */

        if (pszText =(PSZ)WinQueryClipbrdData(hab, CF_TEXT)) {
                -1,                          /* Null-terminated string  */
                pszText,                     /* The string              */
                &rcl,                        /* Where to put the string */
                CLR_BLACK,                   /* Foreground color        */
                CLR_WHITE,                   /* Background color        */
        else if (hBitmap = (HBITMAP)WinQueryClipbrdData(hab, CF_BITMAP)) {
            ptlDest.x = ptlDest.y = 0;
            WinFillRect(hps, &rcl, CLR_WHITE);
                NULL,                        /* Draws entire bit map    */
                &ptlDest,                    /* Destination             */
                CLR_BLACK,                   /* Foreground color        */
                CLR_WHITE,                   /* Background color        */
                DBM_NORMAL);                 /* Bit map flags           */

        /* Remove rectangle from the update region */
        WinValidateRect(hwnd, &rcl, FALSE);
        WinReleasePS(hps);            /* Release the presentation space.*/
        WinCloseClipbrd(hab);         /* Close the clipboard.           */
        return 0;

Responding to WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD Message

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