After the memory is allocated, you can insert one or more container records by using the CM_INSERTRECORD message.

The following sample code inserts records into a container for which memory was allocated in the previous code fragment:

/*  We will need the first record's address to                        */
/*  insert them into the container.                                   */
    FirstRec = Address;

/*  Loop through the address book, loading as we go.                  */
/*  Because the CM_ALLOCRECORD returns a linked                       */
/*  list, the address of the next record is retrieved                 */
/*  from each record as we go (preccNextRecord).                      */
    for (x = 0; x < MAXFRIENDS; x++)
       Address->cb = sizeof(RECORDCORE);    /* Standard records       */
       Address->hptrIcon = hIcon;           /* File icon              */
       Address->pszIcon = Friends[x].NickName;
       Address->pszName = Friends[x].FullName;
       Address->pszText = Friends[x].FullName;
       Address = Address->preccNextRecord;  /* Next record in list    */

/*  Set up the insert record structure to place the                   */
/*  records in the container.                                         */
    recsIn.cb = sizeof(RECORDINSERT);

    /* Put the records in after any others */
    recsIn.pRecordOrder = (PRECORDCORE)CMA_END;

    /* All the records are top level (not children of other records) */
    recsIn.pRecordParent = NULL;

    /* The icons are top level */
    recsIn.zOrder = (USHORT)CMA_TOP;

    /* Redraw the container */
    recsIn.fInvalidateRecord = TRUE;

    /* Set the number of records to insert */
    recsIn.cRecordsInsert = MAXFRIENDS;

/*  Insert the records into the container.                            */

The CM_INSERTRECORD message requires you to provide two pointers. The first pointer points to the record that is to be inserted, which is specified in the FirstRec parameter. When you are inserting multiple records, use this parameter to specify a pointer to a linked list of records.

The second pointer points to a RECORDINSERT data structure (&recsIn), which specifies information the container needs for inserting records.

One of the elements of information that this data structure contains is the order in which the records are to be inserted, which is specified in the pRecordOrder field. In this field you have two options. The first option is to specify a pointer to a container record. The records being inserted are placed immediately after that record. In this case, the pRecordParent field is ignored.

The second option is to specify whether the records being inserted are to be placed at the beginning or end of a list of records. This is done by specifying either the CMA_FIRST or CMA_END attributes. If you choose this option, the list of records used depends on the value of the pRecordParent field.

If CMA_FIRST or CMA_END is specified and the value of the pRecordParent field is NULL, the inserted records are placed at the beginning or end of the root-level records. However, if CMA_FIRST or CMA_END is specified and pRecordParent contains a pointer to a parent item record, the records are inserted at the beginning or end of the list of child item records that this parent record contains.

The RECORDINSERT data structure also lets you specify the z-order position of the records being inserted. The CMA_TOP and CMA_BOTTOM attributes of the zOrder field place the record at the top or bottom, relative to the other records in the z-order list. This field applies to the Icon view only.

To specify the number of records that are being inserted, use the cRecordsInsert field. The value of this field must be greater than 0.

The last field in the RECORDINSERT data structure is flInvalidateRecord, which enables you to control whether the records are displayed automatically when they are inserted. If you specify TRUE in this field, the display is updated automatically. However, if you specify FALSE, the application must send the CM_INVALIDATERECORD message after the records are inserted to update the display.

Where items are positioned in a container depends on the view the user has specified. If the Icon view is specified and the CCS_AUTOPOSITION style bit is not set, the x- and y-coordinates for each record, which are stored in the ptlIcon field of the RECORDCORE and MINIRECORDCORE data structures, determine its position. Records displayed in the Name view, Text view, Tree view, and Details view are positioned as previously described in this section.

Note: Records inserted into a list of child record items can be displayed in the Tree view only. These records are visible only if the parent record item to which these child record items belong is expanded.