The following table describes the messages that are sent to each window whose boundaries are crossed as the user drags the object around the screen:

³Message Name        ³Description                             ³
³DM_DRAGOVER         ³Sent to the window under the pointer as ³
³                    ³the pointer is dragged across it. A     ³
³                    ³single DM_DRAGOVER message is sent each ³
³                    ³time the pointer moves and each time a  ³
³                    ³key is pressed or released, and it      ³
³                    ³contains a pointer to the DRAGINFO data ³
³                    ³structure. The target can access this   ³
³                    ³data structure with DrgAccessDraginfo.  ³
³DM_DRAGLEAVE        ³Sent whenever the DM_DRAGOVER message   ³
³                    ³has been sent to a window, and the      ³
³                    ³pointer is moved outside the bounds of  ³
³                    ³that window. If the target or an object ³
³                    ³in the window had been emphasized as a  ³
³                    ³target, it should be de-emphasized.     ³
³DM_DROP             ³Sent to the target to provide it with   ³
³                    ³the information necessary to establish a³
³                    ³conversation for data exchange with the ³
³                    ³source. The target should immediately   ³
³                    ³remove any target emphasis. The data    ³
³                    ³transfers must not be done before       ³
³                    ³responding to the DM_DROP message.      ³
³DM_DROPHELP         ³Posted to a target to indicate that the ³
³                    ³user requested help for the drag        ³
³                    ³operation while over that target.       ³

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