The following diagram represents the sequence of message flows for a typical direct manipulation data-transfer operation. The flow describes a single-object move from source to target. The user dropped on white space in the target container.

For this example, assume that the rendering mechanism selected is DRM_OS2FILE and that the source does not initially provide the target with the source item's file name. Also assume that the source and target items exist on different drives.

    і              Source                               Target          і
                     .                                     .
                     .                                     .
                     .                            DrgAllocDragtransfer
                     .                                     .
                     .                             DrgSendTransferMsg
                     .                                     .
                     .            DM_RENDER                .
                     .                                     .
    Verify the rendering mechanism and format              .
                     .                                     .
               DrgAddStrHandle                             .
               (hstrSourceName)                            .
                     .                                     .
                     .          DM_RENDER(reply)           .
                     .                                     .
                  DosCopy                                  .
                     .                                     .
            DrgFreeDragtransfer                            .
                     .                                     .
                     .         DM_RENDERCOMPLETE           .
                     .                                     .
                     .         DM_ENDCONVERSATION          .
                     .                                     .
                 DosDelete                        DrgFreeDragtransfer
                     .                                     .
              DrgFreeDraginfo                     DrgDeleteStrHandle
                     .                                     .
                     .                              DrgFreeDraginfo
                     .                                     .
                     .                                     .

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