The following sample code shows a Pickup and Drop operation after the user has selected an object and pressed mouse button 2 while holding down the Pickup and Drop augmentation key (Alt):

#define INCL_WINSTDDRAG #include <os2.h>

PDRAGINFO pdinfo;           /* Pointer to a DRAGINFO data structure    */
HWND hwndSource;            /* Handle of the Source window             */
DRAGITEM ditem;             /* DRAGITEM data structure                 */
PDRAGIMAGE pdimg;           /* Pointer to DRAGIMAGE data structure     */
HBITMAP hbm;                /* Bit-map handle passed to DrgLazyDrag    */
APIRET rc;                  /* Allocation memory return code           */


/*  Initialize the DRAGITEM data structure.                            */
ditem.hwndItem=hwndSource;        /* Handle of the source window       */
ditem.ulItemID=ID_ITEM;           /* App. defined id of item           */

ditem.hstrType          = DrgAddStrHandle("DRT_TEXT");  /* Text item   */
ditem.hstrRMF           = DrgAddStrHandle("<DRM_OS2FILE,DRF_TEXT>");
ditem.hstrContainerName = DrgAddStrHandle("C:\\");
ditem.hstrSourceName    = DrgAddStrHandle("C:\\CONFIG.SYS");
ditem.hstrTargetName    = DrgAddStrHandle("C:\\OS2\\CONFIG.SYS");

ditem.cxOffset         = 0;    /* Offset of the origin of the image    */
ditem.cyOffset         = 0;    /* from the pointer hotspot             */
ditem.fsControl        = 0;    /* Source item control flags            */
ditem.fsSupportedOps   = 0;

/*  Create the DRAGINFO data structures                                */

/* Return FALSE if initialization fails */
if(!pdinfo) return FALSE;

/*  Initialize the DRAGIMAGE data structure.                           */
rc=DosAllocMem((PPVOID)&pdimg,    /* Allocate memory                   */
               (ULONG)PAG_COMMIT |
                      PAG_READ   |

pdimg->cb=sizeof(DRAGIMAGE);      /* Size of the dragimage structure   */
pdimg->cptl=0;                    /* Image is not a polygon            */
pdimg->hImage=hbm;                /* Handle of image to display        */
pdimg->;        /* Size to stretch icon or bit map   */
pdimg->fl=DRG_BITMAP |            /* Flags passed to DrgLazyDrag       */

pdimg->cxOffset=0;                /* Offset of the origin of image     */
pdimg->cyOffset=0;                /* from the pointer hotspot          */

/*  Set the DRAGITEM data structure.                                   */

/*  Begin the Lazy Drag operation.                                     */
if (DrgLazyDrag(hwndSource,       /* Source of the drag                */
                pdinfo,           /* Pointer to the DRAGINFO           */
                pdimg,            /* DRAGIMAGE array                   */
                1,                /* Size of the DRAGIMAGE             */
                NULL))            /* Reserved                          */
    DosFreeMem(pdimg);            /* Free DRAGIMAGE if successful      */

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