The server application includes the following files:
The following sample shows the server application code:
===============DDES.C =============== #define INCL_WIN #define INCL_WINDDE #define INCL_DOS #include <os2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "ddes.h" #pragma linkage (main, optlink) INT main(VOID); void ShowMessage(PSZ); /***********************************************************************/ /* Main() - program entry point. */ /***********************************************************************/ MRESULT EXPENTRY LocalWndProc(HWND, ULONG, MPARAM, MPARAM); HAB hab; HWND hFrameWnd, hListWnd, hClientWnd; PFNWP SysWndProc; INT main (VOID) { HMQ hmq; FRAMECDATA fcd; QMSG qmsg; if (!(hab = WinInitialize(0))) return FALSE; if (!(hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue(hab, 0))) return FALSE; /***********************************************************************/ /* Setup the frame control data for the frame window. */ /***********************************************************************/ fcd.cb = sizeof(FRAMECDATA); fcd.flCreateFlags = FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_MENU | FCF_SIZEBORDER | FCF_SHELLPOSITION | FCF_MINMAX | FCF_TASKLIST; fcd.hmodResources = NULLHANDLE; /***********************************************************************/ /* Set our resource key (so PM can find menus, icons, etc). */ /***********************************************************************/ fcd.idResources = DDES; /***********************************************************************/ /* Create the frame window. */ /***********************************************************************/ hFrameWnd = WinCreateWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, WC_FRAME, "DDE Server", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULLHANDLE, HWND_TOP, DDES, &fcd, NULL); /***********************************************************************/ /* Verify that the frame was created; otherwise, stop. */ /***********************************************************************/ if (!hFrameWnd) return FALSE; /***********************************************************************/ /* Set an icon for the frame window. */ /***********************************************************************/ WinSendMsg(hFrameWnd, WM_SETICON, (MPARAM)WinQuerySysPointer(HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_FOLDER, FALSE), NULL); /***********************************************************************/ /* Create a list window child. */ /***********************************************************************/ hListWnd = WinCreateWindow(hFrameWnd, WC_LISTBOX, NULL, LS_HORZSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, hFrameWnd, HWND_BOTTOM, FID_CLIENT, NULL, NULL); /***********************************************************************/ /* We must intercept the frame window's messages */ /* (to capture any input from the container control). */ /* We save the return value (the current WndProc), */ /* so we can pass it all the other messages the frame gets. */ /***********************************************************************/ SysWndProc = WinSubclassWindow(hFrameWnd, (PFNWP)LocalWndProc); WinShowWindow(hFrameWnd, TRUE); /***********************************************************************/ /* Standard PM message loop - get it, dispatch it. */ /***********************************************************************/ while (WinGetMsg(hab, &qmsg, NULLHANDLE, 0, 0)) { WinDispatchMsg(hab, &qmsg); } /***********************************************************************/ /* Clean up on the way out. */ /***********************************************************************/ WinDestroyMsgQueue(hmq); WinTerminate(hab); return TRUE; } /***********************************************************************/ /* LocalWndProc() - window procedure for the frame window. */ /* Called by PM whenever a message is sent to the frame. */ /***********************************************************************/ MRESULT EXPENTRY LocalWndProc(HWND hwnd,ULONG msg,MPARAM mp1,MPARAM mp2) { /* Our inbound DDE stuff */ PSZ szClientApp; PSZ szClientTopic; PSZ szReqItem; /* Our supported DDE stuff */ PSZ szApp = "DDEdemo"; PSZ szTopic = "System"; PSZ szItem = "Status"; PSZ szStatus = "RUNNING"; /* System DDE structures */ CONVCONTEXT context; PDDEINIT pDDEinit; PDDESTRUCT pDDEdata; /* Miscellaneous */ PID pid; TID tid; PVOID mem; switch(msg) { /* All WinDDEInitate calls arrive here */ case WM_DDE_INITIATE: ShowMessage("init"); hClientWnd = (HWND)mp1; pDDEinit = (PDDEINIT)mp2; /* Check incoming poll - if the App and Topic match, */ /* we must acknowledge. If both are NULL, the client is */ /* searching for anyone - send our names */ szClientApp = pDDEinit->pszAppName; szClientTopic = pDDEinit->pszTopic; ShowMessage(szClientApp); ShowMessage(szClientTopic); if (!strcmpi(szClientApp, szApp) || !strcmpi(szClientApp, NULL)) { if (!strcmpi(szClientTopic, szTopic) || !strcmpi(szClientTopic, NULL) ) { context.cb = sizeof(CONVCONTEXT); context.fsContext = 0; WinDdeRespond(hClientWnd, hwnd, szApp, szTopic, &context); } } break; /* Incoming DDE request - get the item name, send the data out. */ case WM_DDE_REQUEST: ShowMessage("request in..."); hClientWnd = (HWND)mp1; /* The DDE structure is passed, and */ /* the client should have shared it with us */ pDDEdata = (PDDESTRUCT)mp2; szReqItem = (BYTE *)(pDDEdata+(pDDEdata->offszItemName)); ShowMessage(szReqItem); /* We support item status, but not anything else */ if (!strcmpi(szReqItem, szItem)) { ShowMessage("sending..."); /* Get some sharable memory */ DosAllocSharedMem((PVOID)&mem, NULL, sizeof(DDESTRUCT)+21, PAG_COMMIT | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | OBJ_GIVEABLE); /* Get the server's id and give it access */ /* to the shared memory */ WinQueryWindowProcess(hClientWnd, &pid, &tid); DosGiveSharedMem(&mem, pid, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE); /* Setup DDE data structures */ /* (11 byte name length, 10 plus NULL, */ /* 10 byte data length) */ pDDEdata = (PDDESTRUCT)mem; pDDEdata->cbData = 10; /* Data length */ pDDEdata->fsStatus = 0; /* Status */ pDDEdata->usFormat = DDEFMT_TEXT; /* Text format */ /* Go past end of structure for the name */ pDDEdata->offszItemName = sizeof(DDESTRUCT); /* Go past end of structure (and name) for the data */ pDDEdata->offabData = sizeof(DDESTRUCT)+11; strcpy((BYTE *)(pDDEdata+(pDDEdata->offabData)), szStatus); WinDdePostMsg(hClientWnd, hwnd, WM_DDE_DATA, pDDEdata, DDEPM_RETRY); } else { ShowMessage("rejecting..."); pDDEdata->cbData = 0; /* Data length */ pDDEdata->fsStatus = DDE_NOTPROCESSED; /* Status */ pDDEdata->usFormat = DDEFMT_TEXT; /* Text format */ WinDdePostMsg(hClientWnd, hwnd, WM_DDE_ACK, pDDEdata, DDEPM_RETRY); } ShowMessage("sent..."); break; /* Menu item processing */ case WM_COMMAND: switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { case IDM_EXIT: WinPostMsg(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; default: return (*SysWndProc)(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); break; } break; /* Send the message to the usual WC_FRAME WndProc */ default: return (*SysWndProc)(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); break; } return (MRESULT)FALSE; } /***********************************************************************/ /* ShowMessage(). */ /***********************************************************************/ void ShowMessage(PSZ szText) { WinPostMsg(hListWnd, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMSHORT(LIT_END), szText); } =============== DDES.RC =============== #include <os2.h> #include "ddes.h" MENU DDES BEGIN SUBMENU "Commands", IDM_MENU BEGIN MENUITEM "Exit", IDM_EXIT END END =============== DDES.H =============== #define DDES 100 #define IDM_MENU 1000 #define IDM_EXIT 1001 =============== DDES.DEF =============== NAME DDES WINDOWAPI DESCRIPTION 'PM DDE Server Sample' CODE MOVEABLE DATA MOVEABLE MULTIPLE STACKSIZE 24576 HEAPSIZE 10240 PROTMODE =============== DDES.LNK =============== ddes.obj ddes.exe ddes.def =============== DDES.MAK =============== CC = icc /c /Ge /Gd- /Se /Re /ss /Gm+ LINK = link386 HEADERS = ddes.h #------------------------------------------------------------------- # A list of all of the object files. #------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL_OBJ1 = ddes.obj all: ddes.exe ddes.res: ddes.rc ddes.h ddes.obj: ddes.c $(HEADERS) ddes.exe: $(ALL_OBJ1) ddes.def ddes.lnk ddes.res $(LINK) @ddes.lnk rc -p -x ddes.res ddes.exe