An entry field has a style that determines how it appears and behaves. An application specifies the style in either the WinCreateWindow function or the ENTRYFIELD statement in a resource-definition file. An application can specify a combination of the following styles for an entry field.

³Style          ³Description                                  ³
³ES_ANY         ³Allows the entry-field text to contain a     ³
³               ³mixture of double-byte and single-byte       ³
³               ³characters.                                  ³
³ES_AUTOSCROLL  ³Automatically scrolls text horizontally to   ³
³               ³show the insertion point.                    ³
³ES_AUTOSIZE    ³Automatically sets the size of the entry     ³
³               ³field, based on the width of the field's text³
³               ³string and the metrics of the current system ³
³               ³font.  This style can set the width, height, ³
³               ³or both-whichever has a value of -1 in the   ³
³               ³WinCreateWindow function or                  ³
³               ³resource-definition file.  This style affects³
³               ³only the initial size of the entry field; it ³
³               ³does not adjust the size as the font or      ³
³               ³text-string width changes.                   ³
³ES_AUTOTAB     ³Automatically moves the cursor to the next   ³
³               ³control window when the user enters the      ³
³               ³maximum number of characters.                ³
³ES_CENTER      ³Centers text within the entry field.         ³
³ES_DBCS        ³Specifies that the entry-field text consist  ³
³               ³of double-byte characters only.              ³
³ES_LEFT        ³Left-aligns text within the entry field.     ³
³ES_MARGIN      ³Draws a border around the entry field.  The  ³
³               ³border is 1/2-character wide and             ³
³               ³1/4-character high.  Without this style, the ³
³               ³application draws no border around the entry ³
³               ³field.  The width of the entry-field         ³
³               ³rectangle is increased on all sides by the   ³
³               ³width of this margin.  After an entry field  ³
³               ³with the ES_MARGIN style is created, the     ³
³               ³WinQueryWindowRect function returns a larger ³
³               ³rectangle that includes this margin and whose³
³               ³origin, therefore, is different from the     ³
³               ³origin specified when the entry field was    ³
³               ³created. If an application does not adjust   ³
³               ³for this size difference when moving or      ³
³               ³sizing an entry field, the entry field       ³
³               ³becomes larger after each moving and sizing  ³
³               ³operation.                                   ³
³ES_MIXED       ³Allows the entry-field text to contain a     ³
³               ³mixture of single-byte and double-byte       ³
³               ³characters.  Unlike the ES_ANY style, this   ³
³               ³style lets ASCII DBCS data be converted to   ³
³               ³EBCDIC DBCS data without causing an overflow ³
³               ³condition.                                   ³
³ES_READONLY    ³Prevents the user from entering or editing   ³
³               ³text in the entry field.                     ³
³ES_RIGHT       ³Right-aligns text within the entry field.    ³
³ES_SBCS        ³Specifies that the entry-field text must     ³
³               ³consist of single-byte characters only.      ³
³ES_UNREADABLE  ³Displays each character as an asterisk (*).  ³
³               ³This style is useful when obtaining a        ³
³               ³password from the user.                      ³

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