The user can insert (type) text or numeric values in an entry field when that entry field has the keyboard focus. An application can insert text by using the WinSetWindowText function. An application can insert numeric values by using the WinSetDlgItemShort function. The text or numeric value is inserted into the entry field at the cursor position.
The entry field's entry mode, either insert or overstrike, determines what happens when the user enters text. The user sets the entry mode by pressing the Insert key; the entry mode toggles each time the Insert key is pressed. The application can set the entry mode by sending the EM_SETINSERTMODE message to the entry field.
The cursor position, identified by a blinking bar, is specified by a character offset relative to the beginning of the text. The user can set the cursor position by using the mouse or the Arrow keys. An application can set the cursor position by using the EM_SETSEL message. This message directs the entry field to move the blinking bar to the given character position.
The EM_SETSEL message also sets the selection. The selection is one or more characters of text on which the entry field carries out an operation, such as deleting or copying to the clipboard. The user selects text by pressing the Shift key while moving the cursor, or by pressing mouse button 1 while moving the mouse. An application selects text by using the EM_SETSEL message to specify the cursor position and the anchor point. The selection includes all text between the cursor position and the anchor point. If the cursor position and anchor point are equal, there is no selection. An application can retrieve the selection (cursor position and anchor point) by using the EM_QUERYSEL message.
The user can delete characters, one at a time, by pressing the Delete key or the Backspace key. The Delete key deletes the character to the right of the cursor; the Backspace key deletes the character to the left of the cursor. The user also can delete a group of characters by selecting them and pressing the Delete key. An application can delete selected text by using the EM_CLEAR message.
An application can use the EM_QUERYCHANGED message to determine whether the contents of an entry field have changed.
An application can prevent the user from editing an entry field by setting the ES_READONLY style in the WinCreateWindow function or in the ENTRYFIELD statement in the resource-definition file. The application also can set and query the read-only state by using the EM_SETREADONLY and ES_QUERYREADONLY messages.
If text extends beyond the left or right edges of an entry field, the user can scroll the text by using the Arrow keys. An application can scroll the text by using the EM_SETFIRSTCHAR message to specify the first character visible at the left edge of the entry field. For scrolling to occur, the entry field must have the ES_AUTOSCROLL style. An application can use the EM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR message to obtain the first character that is currently visible.