If an application specifies FCF_ACCELTABLE, FCF_ICON, FCF_MENU, FCF_STANDARD, FS_ACCELTABLE, FS_ICON, or FS_STANDARD when creating a frame window, the application must provide the resources to support the specified style. Failure to do so causes the window creation to fail. Depending on the style, a frame window might attempt to load one or more resources from the application's executable files.

The following table shows the frame-control flags and frame-window styles that require resources:

³Flag                ³Style               ³Description         ³
³FCF_ACCELTABLE      ³FS_ACCELTABLE       ³Requires an         ³
³                    ³                    ³accelerator-table   ³
³                    ³                    ³resource. The frame ³
³                    ³                    ³window uses the     ³
³                    ³                    ³accelerator table to³
³                    ³                    ³translate WM_CHAR   ³
³                    ³                    ³messages to         ³
³                    ³                    ³WM_COMMAND, WM_HELP,³
³                    ³                    ³or WM_SYSCOMMAND    ³
³                    ³                    ³messages.           ³
³FCF_ICON            ³FS_ICON             ³Requires an icon    ³
³                    ³                    ³resource. The frame ³
³                    ³                    ³window draws the    ³
³                    ³                    ³icon when the user  ³
³                    ³                    ³minimizes the       ³
³                    ³                    ³window.             ³
³FCF_MENU            ³FS_MENU             ³Requires a          ³
³                    ³                    ³menu-template       ³
³                    ³                    ³resource. A frame   ³
³                    ³                    ³window uses the menu³
³                    ³                    ³template to create a³
³                    ³                    ³menu containing the ³
³                    ³                    ³commands and menus  ³
³                    ³                    ³specified by the    ³
³                    ³                    ³resource.           ³
³FCF_STANDARD        ³FS_STANDARD         ³Requires a          ³
³                    ³                    ³menu-template       ³
³                    ³                    ³resource            ³
³                    ³                    ³(FCF_STANDARD only),³
³                    ³                    ³an accelerator-table³
³                    ³                    ³resource, and an    ³
³                    ³                    ³icon resource.      ³

You can use the resource compiler to add icon, menu, and accelerator-table resources to the application's executable file. Each resource must have a resource identifier that matches the resource identifier specified in the FRAMECDATA structure passed to WinCreateWindow or in the idResources parameter of WinCreateStdWindow.

Note: For detailed information about icon, menu, and accelerator-table resources, see Mouse Pointers and Icons, Menus, and Keyboard Accelerators, respectively.