The program list call hook is called every time a program-list call or initialization file call is invoked by an application. It is called before the call is run.

This hook, together with its counterpart, ProgramListExitHook, lets applications or system components do the following:

The following code shows the syntax for a program list call hook function:
BOOL EXPENTRY ProgramListEntryHook(HAB hab,                                   PPRFHOOKPARMS pProfileHookParams,
                                   PBOOL fNoExecute);

The hab parameter is the anchor block handle.

The pProfileHookParams is the profile hook parameters. These identify the call and give its parameters and return code.

The fNoExecuteparameter is the suppress indicator and is either TRUE or FALSE. If set to TRUE by any hook procedure, no further processing of the call is done. If set to FALSE by all hook procedures, the call is processed normally.

This function returns either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the next hook in the chain is not called. If FALSE, the next hook in the chain is called.

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