An accelerator item has a style that determines what combination of keys produces the accelerator and what command message is generated by the accelerator. An application can specify the following accelerator-item styles in the fs field of the ACCEL structure:

³Style          ³Description                                  ³
³AF_ALT         ³Specifies that the user must hold down the   ³
³               ³Alt key while pressing the accelerator key.  ³
³AF_CHAR        ³Specifies that the keystroke is a character  ³
³               ³that is translated using the code page for   ³
³               ³the accelerator table. (This is the default  ³
³               ³style.)                                      ³
³AF_CONTROL     ³Specifies that the user must hold down the   ³
³               ³Ctrl key while pressing the accelerator key. ³
³AF_HELP        ³Specifies that the accelerator generates a   ³
³               ³WM_HELP message instead of a WM_COMMAND      ³
³               ³message.                                     ³
³AF_LONEKEY     ³Specifies that the user need not press       ³
³               ³another key while the accelerator key is     ³
³               ³down.  Typically, this style is used with the³
³               ³Alt key to specify that simply pressing and  ³
³               ³releasing that key triggers the accelerator. ³
³AF_SCANCODE    ³Specifies that the keystroke is an           ³
³               ³untranslated scan code from the keyboard.    ³
³AF_SHIFT       ³Specifies that the user must hold down the   ³
³               ³Shift key when pressing the accelerator key. ³
³AF_SYSCOMMAND  ³Specifies that the accelerator generates a   ³
³               ³WM_SYSCOMMAND message instead of a WM_COMMAND³
³               ³message.                                     ³
³AF_VIRTUALKEY  ³Specifies that the keystroke is a virtual    ³
³               ³key-for example, the F1 function key.        ³

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