Any application can post and send messages. Like the operating system, an application posts a message by copying it to a message queue. It sends a message by passing the message data as arguments to a window procedure. To post and send messages, an application uses the WinPostMsg and WinSendMsg functions.

An application posts a message to notify a specific window to perform a task. The WinPostMsg function creates a QMSG structure for the message and copies the message to the message queue corresponding to the given window. The application's message loop eventually retrieves the message and dispatches it to the appropriate window procedure. For example, one message commonly posted is WM_QUIT. This message terminates the application by terminating the message loop.

An application sends a message to cause a specific window procedure to carry out a task immediately. The WinSendMsg function passes the message to the window procedure corresponding to the given window. The function waits until the window procedure completes processing and then returns the message result. Parent and child windows often communicate by sending messages to each other. For example, a parent window that has an entry-field control as its child window can set the text of the control by sending a message to the child window. The control can notify the parent window of changes to the text (carried out by the user) by sending messages back to the parent window.

Occasionally, an application might need to send or post a message to all windows in the system. For example, if the application changes a system value, it must notify all windows about the change by sending a WM_SYSVALUECHANGED message. An application can send or post messages to any number of windows by using the WinBroadcastMsg function. The options in WinBroadcastMsg determine whether the message is sent or posted and specify the windows that will receive the message.

Any thread in the application can post a message to a message queue, even if the thread has no message queue of its own. However, only a thread that has a message queue can send a message. Sending a message between threads is relatively uncommon. For one reason, sending a message is costly in terms of system performance. If an application posts a message between threads, it is likely to be a semaphore message, which permits window procedures to manage a shared resource jointly.

An application can post a message without specifying a window. If the application supplies a NULL window handle when it calls the WinPostMsg function, the function posts the message to the queue associated with the current thread. The application must process the message in the message loop. This is one way to create a message that applies to the entire application instead of to a specific window.

A window procedure can determine whether it is processing a message sent by another thread by using the WinInSendMsg function. This is useful when message processing depends on the origin of the message.

A common programming error is to assume that the WinPostMsg function always succeeds. It fails when the message queue is full. An application should check the return value of the WinPostMsg function to see whether the message was posted. In general, if an application intends to post many messages to the queue, it should set the message queue to an appropriate size when it creates the queue. The default message-queue size is 10 messages.

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