An application can copy text to and from an MLE field by importing and exporting. To import text to an MLE field, an application can use the MLM_IMPORT message, which copies text from a buffer to the MLE field. To export text from an MLE field, the application can use the MLM_EXPORT message, which copies text from the MLE field to a buffer. The application uses the MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT message to set the import and export buffers.

An application can import and export text in a variety of formats. A text format, set with the MLM_FORMAT message, identifies which characters are used for the end-of-line characters. An MLE field can have the following text formats:

³Format Name         ³Description                             ³
³MLFIE_CFTEXT        ³Exported lines end with a carriage      ³
³                    ³return/newline character pair (0x0D,    ³
³                    ³0x0A). Imported lines must end with a   ³
³                    ³newline character, carriage             ³
³                    ³return/newline character pair, or       ³
³                    ³newline/carriage return character pair. ³
³MLFIE_NOTRANS       ³Imported and exported lines end with a  ³
³                    ³newline character (0x0A).               ³
³MLFIE_WINFMT        ³For exported lines, the carriage        ³
³                    ³return/newline character pair marks a   ³
³                    ³hard linebreak (a break entered by the  ³
³                    ³user). Two carriage-return characters   ³
³                    ³and a newline character (0x0D, 0x0D,    ³
³                    ³0x0A) mark a soft linebreak (a break    ³
³                    ³inserted during word wrapping and not   ³
³                    ³entered by the user). For imported      ³
³                    ³lines, the extra carriage-return in soft³
³                    ³linebreak characters is ignored.        ³

The text format can affect the number of characters in a selection. To ensure that the export buffer is large enough to hold exported text, an application can send the MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH message. The application can send the MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH message to determine the number of bytes in the text to be exported.

Each time an application inserts text in an MLE field, the MLE field control automatically refreshes (repaints) the display by drawing the new text. When an application copies large amounts of text to an MLE field, refreshing can be quite time-consuming, so the application should disable the refresh state. The application disables the refresh state by sending the MLM_DISABLEREFRESH message. After copying all the text, the application can restore the refresh state by sending the MLM_ENABLEREFRESH message.

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