The following sample code fragment shows how to create an MLE by using WinCreateWindow:

#define MLE_WINDOW_ID 2

HWND hwndParent;

hwndMLE = WinCreateWindow(
            hwndParent,    /* Parent window     */
            WC_MLE,        /* Window class      */
            "Test",        /* Initial text      */

            WS_VISIBLE |   /* Window style      */
            MLS_BORDER,    /* Window style      */
            100, 100,      /* x and y positions */
            100, 100,      /* Width and height  */
            hwndParent,    /* Owner window      */
            HWND_TOP,      /* Top of z-order    */
            MLE_WINDOW_ID, /* Identifier        */
            NULL,          /* Control data      */
            NULL);         /* Presparam         */

It also is common to create an MLE field control by using an MLE statement in a dialog-window template in a resource file, as shown in the following code fragment:

MLE  "",
     110, 10, 50, 100,

The predefined class for an MLE control is WC_MLE. If you do not specify a style for the MLE control, the default styles used are MLS_BORDER, WS_GROUP, and WS_TABSTOP.

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