Before an application can use a mouse pointer, it first must receive a handle to the pointer. Most applications load mouse pointers from the system or from their own resource file. The operating system maintains many predefined mouse pointers that an application can use by calling WinQuerySysPointer. System mouse pointers include all the standard mouse-pointer shapes and message-box icons. The following predefined mouse pointers are available:

³Mouse Pointer       ³Description                             ³
³SPTR_APPICON        ³Square icon; used to represent a        ³
³                    ³minimized application window.           ³
³SPTR_ARROW          ³Arrow that points to the upper-left     ³
³                    ³corner of the screen.                   ³
³SPTR_ICONERROR      ³Icon containing an exclamation point;   ³
³                    ³used in a warning message box.          ³
³SPTR_ICONINFORMATION³Octagon-shaped icon containing the image³
³                    ³of a human hand; used in a warning      ³
³                    ³message box.                            ³
³SPTR_ICONQUESTION   ³Icon containing a question mark; used in³
³                    ³a query message box.                    ³
³SPTR_ICONWARNING    ³Icon containing an asterisk; used in a  ³
³                    ³warning message box.                    ³
³SPTR_MOVE           ³Four-headed arrow; used when dragging an³
³                    ³object or window around the screen.     ³
³SPTR_SIZE           ³Small box within a box; used when       ³
³                    ³resizing a window by dragging.          ³
³SPTR_SIZENS         ³Two-headed arrow that points up and down³
³                    ³(north and south); used when sizing a   ³
³                    ³window.                                 ³
³SPTR_SIZENESW       ³Two-headed diagonal arrow that points to³
³                    ³the upper-right (northeast) and         ³
³                    ³lower-left (southwest) window borders;  ³
³                    ³used when sizing a window.              ³
³SPTR_SIZENWSE       ³Two-headed diagonal arrow that points to³
³                    ³the upper-left (northwest) and          ³
³                    ³lower-right (southeast) window borders; ³
³                    ³used when sizing a window.              ³
³SPTR_SIZEWE         ³Two-headed arrow that points left and   ³
³                    ³right (west to east); used when sizing a³
³                    ³window.                                 ³
³SPTR_TEXT           ³Text-insertion and selection pointer,   ³
³                    ³often called the I-beam pointer.        ³
³SPTR_WAIT           ³Hourglass; used to indicate that a      ³
³                    ³time-consuming operation is in progress.³

The operating system contains a second set of predefined mouse pointers that are used as icons in PM applications. An application can use one of these icons by supplying one of the following constants in WinQuerySysPointer. If a copy of the system pointer is made using WinQuerySysPointer, the pointer copy must be destroyed using WinDestroyPointer before termination of the application.

³Icon           ³Description                                  ³
³SPTR_FILE      ³Represents a file (in the shape of a single  ³
³               ³sheet of paper).                             ³
³SPTR_FOLDER    ³Represents a file folder.                    ³
³SPTR_ILLEGAL   ³Circular icon containing a slash; represents ³
³               ³an illegal operation.                        ³
³SPTR_MULTFILE  ³Represents multiple files.                   ³
³SPTR_PROGRAM   ³Represents an executable file.               ³

Applications can use mouse-pointer resources to draw icons. WinDrawPointer draws a specified mouse pointer in a specified presentation space. Many of the predefined system mouse pointers are standard icons displayed in message boxes.

In addition to using the predefined pointer shapes, an application also can use pointers that have been defined in a resource file. Once the pointer or icon has been created (by Icon Editor or a similar application), the application includes it in the resource file, using the POINTER statement, a resource identifier, and a file name for the Icon Editor data. After including the mouse-pointer resource, the application can use the pointer or icon by calling WinLoadPointer, specifying the resource identifier and module handle. Typically, the resource is in the executable file of the application, so the application simply can specify NULL for the module handle to indicate the current application resource file.

An application can create mouse pointers at run time by constructing a bit map for the pointer and calling WinCreatePointer. This function, if successful, returns the new pointer handle, which the application then can use to set or draw the pointer. The bit map must be twice as tall as it is wide, with the first half defining the AND mask and the second half defining the XOR mask. The application also must specify the hot spot when creating the mouse pointer.

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