Dialog-item structure.

typedef struct _DLGTITEM {
  USHORT     fsItemStatus;   /*  Status. */
  USHORT     cChildren;      /*  Count of children to this dialog item. */
  USHORT     cchClassLen;    /*  Length of class name. */
  USHORT     offClassName;   /*  Offset to class name. */
  USHORT     cchTextLen;     /*  Length of text. */
  USHORT     offText;        /*  Offset to text. */
  ULONG      flStyle;        /*  Dialog item window style. */
  SHORT      x;              /*  X-coordinate of origin of dialog-item window. */
  SHORT      y;              /*  Y-coordinate of origin of dialog-item window. */
  SHORT      cx;             /*  Dialog-item window width. */
  SHORT      cy;             /*  Dialog-item window height. */
  USHORT     id;             /*  Identity. */
  USHORT     offPresParams;  /*  Reserved. */
  USHORT     offCtlData;     /*  Offset to control data. */

typedef   DLGTITEM   * PDLGTITEM ;

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