Drag-conversation structure.

typedef struct _DRAGTRANSFER {
  ULONG         cb;                /*  Size, in bytes, of the structure. */
  HWND          hwndClient;        /*  Handle of the client window. */
  PDRAGITEM     pditem;            /*  Pointer to the DRAGITEM structure that is to be rendered. */
  HSTR          hstrSelectedRMF;   /*  String handle for the selected rendering mechanism and format for the transfer operation. */
  HSTR          hstrRenderToName;  /*  String handle representing the name where the source places, and the target finds, the data that is rendered. */
  ULONG         ulTargetInfo;      /*  Reserved. */
  USHORT        usOperation;       /*  The operation. */
  USHORT        fsReply;           /*  Reply flags. */


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