File-dialog structure.

typedef struct _FILEDLG {
  ULONG       cbSize;                  /*  Structure size. */
  ULONG       fl;                      /*  FDS_* flags. */
  ULONG       ulUser;                  /*  Used by the application. */
  LONG        lReturn;                 /*  Result code. */
  LONG        lSRC;                    /*  System return code. */
  PSZ         pszTitle;                /*  Dialog title string. */
  PSZ         pszOKButton;             /*  OK push button text. */
  PFNWP       pfnDlgProc;              /*  Custom dialog procedure. */
  PSZ         pszIType;                /*  Extended-attribute type filter. */
  PAPSZ       papszITypeList;          /*  Pointer to a table of pointers to extended-attribute types. */
  PSZ         pszIDrive;               /*  The initial drive. */
  PAPSZ       papszIDriveList;         /*  Pointer to a table of pointers to drives. */
  HMODULE     hMod;                    /*  Module for custom dialog resources. */
  CHAR        szFullFile[CCHMAXPATH];  /*  Character array. */
  PAPSZ       papszFQFilename;         /*  Pointer to a table of pointers to fully-qualified file names. */
  ULONG       ulFQFCount;              /*  Number of file names. */
  USHORT      usDlgID;                 /*  Custom dialog ID. */
  SHORT       x;                       /*  X-axis dialog position. */
  SHORT       y;                       /*  Y-axis dialog position. */
  SHORT       sEAType;                 /*  Selected extended-attribute type. */

typedef   FILEDLG   * PFILEDLG ;

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