This structure is used by CM_QUERYGRIDINFO and CM_SETGRIDINFO messages to query and set grid characteristics. These characteristics are used with the grid arrange options or when the view is CV_GRID.

typedef struct _GRIDINFO {
  ULONG           cb;            /*  Length of the GRIDINFO structure in bytes. */
  ULONG           cxGrid;        /*  Grid square width. */
  ULONG           cyGrid;        /*  Grid square height. */
  SHORT           sGridRows;     /*  Number of rows in the grid. */
  SHORT           sGridCols;     /*  Number of columns in the grid. */
  ULONG           cGridSquares;  /*  Number of available grid squares. */
  PGRIDSQUARE     pGrid;         /*  Pointer to array of GRIDSQUARE structures. */

typedef   GRIDINFO   * PGRIDINFO ;

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