Help Manager initialization structure.

typedef struct _HELPINIT {
  ULONG         cb;                        /*  Count of bytes of the initialization structure. */
  ULONG         ulReturnCode;              /*  Value returned by the Help Manager from initialization. */
  PSZ           pszTutorialName;           /*  Indicates to the Help Manager that the application has a tutorial program. */
  HELPTABLE     htHelpTable;               /*  Help table. */
  HMODULE       hmodHelpTableModule;       /*  Resource file identity. */
  HMODULE       hmodAccelActionBarModule;  /*  Handle of the containing DLL. */
  ULONG         idAccelTable;              /*  Identity of the accelerator table. */
  ULONG         idActionBar;               /*  Identity of the action bar template used by the Help Manager. */
  PSZ           pszHelpWindowTitle;        /*  Window title for the main help window of this help instance. */
  ULONG         fShowPanelId;              /*  Show panel identity indicator. */
  PSZ           pszHelpLibraryName;        /*  Help panel library names. */

typedef   HELPINIT   * PHELPINIT ;

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