The Panose field in the font metrics will allow for quantitative descriptions of the visual properties of font faces. The PANOSE definition contains ten digits, each of which currently describes up to sixteen variations.

typedef struct _PANOSE {
  BYTE     bFamilyType;       /*  Family kind. */
  BYTE     bSerifStyle;       /*  Serif style. */
  BYTE     bWeight;           /*  Weight. */
  BYTE     bProportion;       /*  Proportion. */
  BYTE     bContrast;         /*  Contrast. */
  BYTE     bStrokeVariation;  /*  Stroke Variation. */
  BYTE     bArmStyle;         /*  Arm Style. */
  BYTE     bLetterform;       /*  Letterform. */
  BYTE     bMidline;          /*  Midline. */
  BYTE     bXHeight;          /*  X-Height. */
  BYTE     fbPassedISO;       /*  Font passed ISO test. */
  BYTE     fbFailedISO;       /*  Font failed ISO test. */

typedef   PANOSE   * PPANOSE ;

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