struct alias_info_2 {
unsigned char ai2_alias[ALIAS_LEN + 1];
unsigned char ai2_pad_1;
unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR ai2_remark;
unsigned short ai2_type;
unsigned short ai2_location;
unsigned char ai2_server[CNLEN + 1];
unsigned short ai2_mode;
unsigned short ai2_maxuses;
unsigned char ai2_netname[NNLEN + 1];
unsigned char ai2_pad_2;
unsigned char ai2_queue[QNLEN + 1];
unsigned char ai2_pad_3;
unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR ai2_path;
unsigned short ai2_priority;
unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR ai2_device_pool;
- The first field in this data structure is identical
to that in the previous level.
- ai2_pad_1 word-aligns the data structure component.
- The next two fields are identical to the same fields
in the previous level.
- ai2_location is reserved and must be 0.
- ai2_server is the name of the server where
the resource described by this alias resides.
- ai2_mode is one of three values that indicate
when the alias is shared. The ALIAS_MODE_DYNAMIC Symbolic Constant applies
to file aliases only. The DCDB.H header file defines these values as follows:
³ ALIAS_MODE_STARTUP ³ 0x0000³ The resource is shared when the server is
³ ³ ³ started. ³
³ ALIAS_MODE_BYADMIN ³ 0x0001³ The resource must be explicitly shared by
the ³
³ ³ ³ administrator. ³
³ ALIAS_MODE_DYNAMIC ³ 0x0002³ The resource is shared when a request to
assign ³
³ ³ ³ it is made. ³
- ai2_maxuses indicates the maximum number of
users who can have redirection to the resource identified by this alias.
Values from 0-65535 are valid.
- ai2_netname is the alias name for file aliases,
and the queue name for printer and serial device aliases. For NetAliasAdd
and NetAliasSetInfo operations, any data in this field is ignored.
- ai2_pad_2 word-aligns the data structure component.
- ai2_queue applies to printer and serial device
aliases only. For serial devices, the queue is identical to the alias. For
printers, the queue is the print destination.
- ai2_pad_3 word-aligns the data structure component.
- ai2_path applies to file aliases only. It
points to an ASCIIZ string indicating a path that is relative to the server
on which the alias will be shared. The path must consist of a drive letter,
a colon (:) and a backslash (\); for example C:\. The maximum length of
the string is 254 bytes.
- ai2_priority applies to serial device aliases
only. The priority can have a value from 1-9, with 1 being the highest priority.
- ai2_device_pool applies to serial device aliases
only and must not be NULL. It points to an ASCIIZ list of serial devices
separated by blanks. Valid serial devices are LPT1-LPT9 and COM1-COM16.