This category includes the following APIs:

Auditing APIs control the audit log file, which contains an audit trail of operations that occur on a server. These functions are used with the AUDIT.H and NETCONS.H header files.

Each time a user or application connects to or disconnects from resources on a server, an audit entry can be generated to record the connection or disconnection. Audit entries are stored in an ASCIIZ file. The default audit log file is \IBMLAN\LOGS\NET.AUD. All of the auditing functions perform their operations on this file.

Note: The auditing functions only control changing the contents of the audit log file. To read the audit log file, an application first must call the NetAuditRead API to get the handle of the file. The DosRead API then can be called to read the file. To close the file, an application must call the DosClose API.

LAN Server provides for the following types of audit entries: