This category includes the following APIs:
Group - NetGroupAdd
Group - NetGroupAddUser
Group - NetGroupDel
Group - NetGroupDelUser
Group - NetGroupEnum
Group - NetGroupGetInfo
Group - NetGroupGetUsers
Group - NetGroupSetInfo
Group - NetGroupSetUsers
LAN Server and OS/2 Warp Server Only
The group APIs control user and group IDs in the LAN Server user accounts subsystem (UAS) database. They are used with the ACCESS.H and NETCONS.H header files.
A group is a set of users sharing common permissions in the UAS database. The group functions create or delete groups and review or adjust their membership.
Access permissions can be assigned for all members of a group by supplying the group name to the NetAccessAdd API (see Access Permission Category) instead of individually assigning each user an access permission record.
To create a user group, an application calls the NetGroupAdd API, supplying a group name. Initially, the group has no members. Members are assigned to the group by calling NetGroupAddUser.
NetGroupDelUser removes the name of a specified user from a group, and NetGroupDel disbands a group. (NetGroupDel works regardless of whether the group has members.)
Two APIs retrieve information about groups on a server. NetGroupEnum produces a list of all groups. NetGroupGetUsers lists all members of a specified group.
Directory and Security Server Only
The group APIs control user and group IDs in the Security Server in DSS. They are used with the ACCESS.H and NETCONS.H header files. Authority to execute the NetGroup APIs is based on ACLs rather than privilege level.
A group is a set of users in the Security Server in DSS. The group functions create or delete groups and review or adjust their membership. OTHGRPS is returned when there are one or more users in the group who are not part of the queried resource domain.
Directory and Security Server allows you to have more than 255 groups in a resource domain as long as the resource domain is not being synchronized to the NET.ACC file.