This category includes the following APIs:

Mailslot APIs provide one-way interprocess communication (IPC). They are used with the MAILSLOT.H and NETCONS.H header files.

Through LAN Server mailslots, data can be sent to either local or remote applications on the network. Calls to these APIs must, however, be issued locally. The Mailslot functions create and delete mailslots, retrieve information about a mailslot or a message in it, and write messages to mailslots.

Mailslots can be read or deleted only by the process that created them. Mailslots created by a process are deleted when that process ends.

An application creates a mailslot on a local computer by calling the DosMakeMailslot API and assigning the mailslot a name in the format:


where name is a unique set of characters distinguishing the mailslot from other mailslots on the computer.

The DosMakeMailslot API returns a handle to the mailslot. This handle then can be used in the following ways: