This category includes the following APIs:

Print destination APIs control the printers that receive spooled print jobs on a server. A print destination is any spooled device, such as a line or laser printer, that physically is connected to a server. Normally, the OS/2 spooler controls print destinations. However, other applications, such as the print processor for a printer queue, also can control print destinations by calling print destination APIs.

These APIs use the NETCONS.H, NETERR.H, and PMSPL.H header files and support only 16-bit applications. For 32-bit spooler API support, see the OS/2 Warp, Version 3 Technical Library.

Note: For all the print APIs, DLS applications should use the DOSPRINT.H header file instead of PMSPL.H. Also, you do not need to include OS2.H or #define INCL_BASE. For example, use:

 #include <dosprint.h>

for DLS applications instead of:

 #define INCL_BASE
 #include <os2.h>
 #include <pmspl.h>

which is used only for 16-bit OS/2 applications.

For more information about the print APIs, see the Presentation Manager Programming Reference Volume 1 and Volume 2, the IBM OS/2 Version 1.3 Programming Guide Technical Update, and the documentation accompanying your IBM OS/2 Programming Toolkit.

After a print job is submitted to a print destination, the controlling application can call DosPrintDestControl to cancel, hold, continue, or restart the current print job on the print destination.

To get information about a particular print destination, an application calls DosPrintDestGetInfo. To obtain information about all print destinations on a server, an application calls DosPrintDestEnum. You can use this API over a network to view the print destinations on a particular server.

The API print functions allow the use of more general names for print destinations. The print destination can be treated as a virtual device independent of a printer queue or a specific logical address. The DosPrintDestGetInfo and DosPrintDestEnum APIs illustrate this enhancement. Level 0 and level 1 return data only if print destinations are associated with it. The new level 2 and 3 functions return data for all print destinations. These enhanced levels are described for the print categories.

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