This category includes the following APIs:
Remote Utility - NetRemoteCopy
Remote Utility - NetRemoteExec
Remote Utility - NetRemoteMove
Remote Utility - NetRemoteTOD
Remote utility APIs enable applications to copy and move remote files, remotely run a program, and access the time-of-day information on a remote server. They are used with the REMUTIL.H and NETCONS.H header files.
The NetRemoteCopy API performs optimized file copying. Files on a remote server are copied without physically moving the files to and from the local requester. The source and destination must be on the same server.
The NetRemoteMove API moves files or directories from one location to another on a remote server without physically moving the data if the source and destination are on the same drive. If the source and destination are on different drives, the move does not require shuffling the data to and from the local requester.
To run a program on a remote server, an application calls the NetRemoteExec API. NetRemoteExec performs the same tasks as the OS/2 DosExecPgm API, but on another network server.
The NetRemoteTOD API returns time-of-day information from a remote server.