This category includes the following APIs:

Requester APIs control the operation of requesters. They are used with the ACCESS.H, NETCONS.H, and WKSTA.H header files.

The Requester functions enable applications to control the configuration of a requester. To configure a requester, an application calls the NetWkstaSetInfo API. The NetWkstaGetInfo API returns information about the configuration of a requester.

Note: The domain name of the requester (the wki0_langroup component in the wksta_info data structure) must not duplicate any computer name or user name on the network.

If both a computer and a domain have the same name, only one of them can run at a time. If the computer is started first, no other computer on the domain of the same name can be started. If any computer in the domain is started first, the computer with the domain's name cannot be started. For more information about domains, see the LAN Server Network Administrator Reference Volume 3: Network Administrator Tasks.

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