The wksta_info_10 data structure is supplied for remote users who want to obtain certain information from a server. This data structure allows remote users to discover to which domain a server belongs.

Since a remote NetWkstaGetInfo at levels 0 and 1 requires administrative privilege, remote users who do not have privilege level ADMIN cannot use those structures. These levels provide the needed information for those users.

struct wksta_info_10 {
  unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR   wki10_computername;
  unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR   wki10_username;
  unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR   wki10_langroup;
  unsigned char                 wki10_ver_major;
  unsigned char                 wki10_ver_minor;
  unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR   wki10_logon_domain;
  unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR   wki10_oth_domains;

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