The NetCharDevQEnum, NetCharDevQGetInfo, and NetCharDevQSetInfo functions
use the following data structure when the sLevel parameter is 1:
struct chardevQ_info_1 {
unsigned char cq1_dev[NNLEN+1];
unsigned char cq1_pad;
unsigned short cq1_priority;
unsigned unsigned char LSFAR * LSPTR cq1_devs;
unsigned short cq1_numusers;
unsigned short cq1_numahead;
- The first field in this data structure is identical
to that in the previous level.
- cq1_pad word-aligns the data structure components.
- cq1_priority specifies the queue priority.
cq1_priority can be from 1 (highest priority) through 9 (lowest priority).
- cq1_devs points to an ASCIIZ string containing
the device names assigned to the queue (such as COM1 COM3).
- cq1_numusers specifies the number of user names
in the queue.
- cq1_numahead specifies the number of user names
in front of a particular user. To find the number of users, specify pszUserID
with either the NetCharDevQEnum or the NetCharDevQGetInfo function.
If cq1_numahead is -1, then pszUserID is not currently in
the queue.