This category includes the following APIs:
Services - NetServiceControl
Services - NetServiceEnum
Services - NetServiceGetInfo
Services - NetServiceInstall
Services - NetServiceStatus
LAN Server provides many network services, as well as APIs, you can use to create other services. A service is a program, of any size and function, that other applications can use to perform some set of tasks on the network.
The two most important services provided by LAN Server are Requester and Server, which provide the majority of the software required to operate a local area network.
The service programs are installed in the \IBMLAN\SERVICES directory. LAN Server updates the [services] section of the IBMLAN.INI file each time LAN Server is started, adding any new services, their configuration parameters, and their default values.
In the IBMLAN.INI file, you can control when a service is started by changing one the following two parameters:
If a service is not started when LAN Server is started, you can start it either from the Network Services window of the LAN Requester graphical user interface (see LAN Server Network Administrator Reference Volume 3: Network Administrator Tasks) or from an OS/2 command prompt with the NET START command. See Directory and Security Server Commands and Utilities for more information about the NET START command and the parameters available for each service.
Services Provided with LAN Server describes the services shipped with LAN Server. Writing a Service discusses how to create a new service.