This category includes the following APIs:

Share APIs control shared resources. They are used with the SHARES.H, ACCESS.H, and NETCONS.H header files.

Share is the term applied to the local device of a server (such as a disk drive, print device, or named pipe) that other applications on the network can access. A unique netname is assigned to each shared resource to enable remote users and applications to refer to the share, rather than the local device name of the share.

The first step for allowing remote users and applications to access a server resource is to share the resource, giving it a netname. This is done with the NetShareAdd function, which adds a share to a server. The function requires information about the resource type.

On a server, NetShareAdd requires only a netname and a local device name to share a resource. A user or an application must have an account on the server to access the resource.

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