UniTransformStr transforms a UniChar character string as specified by the transformation object handle xform_object for the LC_CTYPE category. This category applies to the locale object that was used to create the transformation handle xform_object (by UniCreateTransformObject). The text from the input buffer is transformed and the result is placed in the output buffer. Any characters not included in the transformation type referenced by xform_object are moved, to the output buffer, unchanged.
The InpSize argument, on input, specifies the number of code elements to be transformed. A value of -1 indicates that the input is delimited by a UniChar NULL character (0x0000). On return, the value is modified to the actual number of code elements processed in the source string.
The OutSize argument, on input, specifies the size of the output buffer (number of code elements). On return, the value is modified to the actual number of code elements placed in OutBuf.