This example stops the Workplace Shell DSOM Server, then waits until the server has terminate before stopping the DSOM daemon.

#include <os2.h>

ULONG  count=0;
enum   {OFF, ON};


/* Make sure the server thread has terminated completely before */
/* bring down the DSOM daemon                                   */
while ( WinIsWPDServerReady() )
   HEV hev;

   /* First create a private, reset, event semaphore.           */
   DosCreateEventSem( (PSZ)NULL, &hev, 0, FALSE);

   /* Wait for 1 second; then try again for a max. of 30 sec.   */
   DosWaitEventSem (hev, 1000);
   if (count++ > 30)
WinRestartSOMDD (OFF);

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