Class field information data structure for use with the wpclsQueryDetailsInfo method.

typedef struct _CLASSFIELDINFO {
  ULONG                        cb;                   /*  Size of the CLASSFIELDINFO structure. */
  ULONG                        flData;               /*  Attributes of the field's data. */
  ULONG                        flTitle;              /*  Attributes of the field's title. */
  PVOID                        pTitleData;           /*  Title data. */
  ULONG                        ulReserved;           /*  Reserved. */
  PVOID                        pUserData;            /*  Pointer to user data. */
  struct _CLASSFIELDINFO      *pNextFieldInfo;       /*  Pointer to the next linked CLASSFIELDINFO structure. */
  ULONG                        cxWidth;              /*  Width of the field in pels. */
  ULONG                        offFieldData;         /*  Offset from beginning of this class's data for this field. */
  ULONG                        ulLenFieldData;       /*  Width of data in bytes. */
  PFNOWNDRW                    pfnOwnerDraw;         /*  Ownerdraw procedure for Details View column. */
  ULONG                        flCompare;            /*  Flags. */
  PFNCOMPARE                   pfnCompare;           /*  Pointer to a comparison function. */
  ULONG                        DefaultComparison;    /*  Default comparison operator in the Include Page Criteria dialog box (in the Settings notebook). */
  ULONG                        ulLenCompareValue;    /*  Maximum length of the compare data. */
  PVOID                        pDefCompareValue;     /*  The default value to be used for comparisons. */
  PVOID                        pMinCompareValue;     /*  The default value to be used for comparisons. */
  PVOID                        pMaxCompareValue;     /*  The default value to be used for comparisons. */
  PSZ                          pszEditControlClass;  /*  Window class to be used to edit the compare value. */
  PFNCOMPARE                   pfnSort;              /*  Sort function for this field. */
  PSZ                          pNewComp;             /*  Pointer to an array of strings containing a description of a comparison type. */


The CLASSFIELDINFO data structure is similar to the FIELDINFO data structure of the container control, with the following differences: