Details comparison criteria structure.

typedef struct _CRITERIA {
  PVOID                  pReserved;            /*  Reserved.  Set to NULL. */
  struct _CRITERIA      *pNext;                /*  Pointer to the next criteria record. */
  struct _CRITERIA      *pPrev;                /*  Pointer to the previous criteria record. */
  ULONG                  ClassFieldInfoIndex;  /*  Index of the detaild field. */
  ULONG                  LogicalOperator;      /*  CRITERIA_AND or CRITERIA_OR */
  ULONG                  ComparisonType;       /*  The comparison type. */
  ULONG                  ulLenCompareValue;    /*  Sizeof(ComparisonData). */
  CHAR                   CompareValue[1];      /*  Value to be compared with. */

typedef   CRITERIA   * PCRITERIA ;

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