Drag-object structure.

typedef struct _DRAGITEM {
  HWND       hwndItem;           /*  Window handle of the source of the drag operation. */
  ULONG      ulItemID;           /*  Information used by the source to identify the object being dragged. */
  HSTR       hstrType;           /*  String handle of the object type. */
  HSTR       hstrRMF;            /*  String handle of the rendering mechanism and format. */
  HSTR       hstrContainerName;  /*  String handle of the name of the container holding the source object. */
  HSTR       hstrSourceName;     /*  String handle of the name of the source object. */
  HSTR       hstrTargetName;     /*  String handle of the suggested name of the object at the target. */
  SHORT      cxOffset;           /*  X-offset from the pointer hot spot to the origin of the image that represents this object. */
  SHORT      cyOffset;           /*  Y-offset from the pointer hot spot to the origin of the image that represents this object. */
  USHORT     fsControl;          /*  Source-object control flags. */
  USHORT     fsSupportedOps;     /*  Direct manipulation operations supported by the source object. */

typedef   DRAGITEM   * PDRAGITEM ;

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