Settings page information structure.

typedef struct _PAGEINFO {
  ULONG       cb;                  /*  Length of PAGEINFO structure. */
  HWND        hwndPage;            /*  Handle of page. */
  PFNWP       pfnwp;               /*  Window procedure. */
  ULONG       resid;               /*  Resource identity. */
  PVOID       pCreateParams;       /*  Pointer to creation parameters. */
  USHORT      dlgid;               /*  Dialog identity. */
  USHORT      usPageStyleFlags;    /*  Notebook control-page style flags. */
  USHORT      usPageInsertFlags;   /*  Notebook control-page insertion flags. */
  USHORT      usSettingsFlags;     /*  Settings flag. */
  PSZ         pszName;             /*  Pointer to a string containing the page name. */
  USHORT      idDefaultHelpPanel;  /*  Identity of the default help panel. */
  USHORT      usReserved2;         /*  Reserved value; must be zero. */
  PSZ         pszHelpLibraryName;  /*  Pointer to the name of the help file. */
  PUSHORT     pHelpSubtable;       /*  Pointer to the help subtable. */
  HMODULE     hmodHelpSubtable;    /*  Module handle for the help subtable. */
  ULONG       ulPageInsertId;      /*  Notebook control-page identity. */

typedef   PAGEINFO   * PPAGEINFO ;

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