Task information structure.

typedef struct _TASKREC {
  struct _TASKREC      *next;                 /*  Pointer to the next record in the list of current tasks. */
  ULONG                 useCount;             /*  Usage count (this structure can be referenced by multiple objects). */
  PVOID                 pStdDlg;              /*  Pointer to a standard Workplace Shell task dialog. */
  WPFolder             *folder;               /*  Pointer to the intended folder for the object. */
  LONG                  xOrigin;              /*  Intended x-coordinate position for the object. */
  LONG                  yOrigin;              /*  Intended y-coordinate position for the object. */
  PSZ                   pszTitle;             /*  Intended name for the object. */
  ULONG                 cbTitle;              /*  Length of the name buffer for pszTitle. */
  PMINIRECORDCORE       positionAfterRecord;  /*  Intended sort position for the object. */
  BOOL                  fKeepAssociations;
  PVOID                 pReserved;            /*  Reserved.  Set to NULL. */

typedef   TASKREC   * PTASKREC ;

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